Join us for the launch of Smex’s new exhibition and the debut of his riso-printed cookbook, ‘It’ll be Ready When it’s Ready’! Watch out for Smex’s drawing/riso print workshop and pop-up café on Saturday, 22nd March — more info coming soon!
Alex Weir (aka Smex) is an artist and illustrator, originally from Ayr and now based in Glasgow. Smex works in several mediums (painting, printmaking, bookmaking and installation), but it is drawing that is integral to his practice – since July 2018, he has created one drawing every single day as part of his ongoing ‘Drawing a Day Project’.
The mundanity and repetition of everyday life is a particular inspiration, and his work constantly attempts to find humour and joy within it. Smex is especially interested in anything to do with food – previously he has created several ‘cookbooks’ (with this being his first serious one) and has presented his installation ‘Smex Cafe’ in several forms throughout Scotland since 2017.
A key theme in Smex’s practice is waste reduction. This is both in materials – recycled or repurposed – and subject matter. By creating work every day, and about everyday life, he is constantly attempting to make the most of his time and adopt every aspect of daily life into his work so that nothing is wasted.
About the cookbook:
‘It’ll be Ready When it’s Ready’ is an artist’s book in the form of a cookbook. It contains 120 pages featuring 75 recipes and 55 drawings. All recipes, drawings, design and production were done by Alex (Smex).
The drawings are all about cooking, taking inspiration from individual moments experienced in the kitchen, as well as words and phrases often found in cookbooks. The drawings celebrate the mundanity, repetition and necessity of cooking, in an attempt to appreciate the process of creating home made food.
The recipes are a selection of things Alex has cooked over the course of a year. Other than that, there is no collective theme.
The funding of the book was kindly supported by Creative Scotland and riso printed in Make by Narture.
About the exhibition:
The exhibition features works in several mediums to support the themes expressed in the cookbook. Where the drawings in the book concentrate on the process of cooking and the concept of a cookbook, these works were more broadly inspired by food culture and eating at home in general.
Every part of the project focuses on sustainability, recycling and zero waste:
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