South Ayrshire Council’s poignant Remembrance Woodland – featuring a stunning tree sculpture trail – was created as part of the WW1 Centenary Commemorations 2014-2018, and supported by the David Elder Edward Trust, The Friends of the Maclaurin and Tesco’s Bags for life.
In 2013, the Council’s Forestry Team identified a 1.54ha area of Norway Spruce situated between the bottom pond at Rozelle Park and Slaphouse Burn which required felling. The starting point of felling the trees offered the opportunity to create outdoor art, engage with young people and communities, support artists and encourage creativity.
Professional chainsaw carvers Iain Chalmers, Andy Maclachlan, Peter Bowsher and Craig Steele, were inspired by WW1 images sourced from South Ayrshire Council’s museum collections, the Ayrshire Yeomanry exhibition at Rozelle, and by images hosted on the Future Museum website. Girvan based Artist David Powell’s living willow and steel sculpture ‘Flighted’ adds a contemporary note of reflection. Also situated within this area is the recently laid memorial dedicated to Lieutenant Robert Shankland, born in Ayr, and awarded the Victoria Cross on 26 October 1917.
To support the sculpture trail, a new path network was created, and additional plants and native trees such as Rowan, Alder, Birch, and Oak were planted to enhance the woodland area. New carvings, seats and features will be added. The impact of nature on the site ensures every visit is a new experience.