Events Takedown Policy

Events Takedown Policy

South Ayrshire Council Making a Difference

Destination South Ayrshire: Events Takedown Policy

During South Ayrshire Council events, either paid or non-paid, there will be times photographs will be taken of the event activities, and of members of the public attending. Every effort will be made to ensure your photographic image is taken with your agreement. Signage will also be in place at the event to notify attendees that photography is taking place.

Where you do not wish to be photographed, a member of staff will be available to provide you with identification, which our photographer will be aware of, and will make every attempt to ensure that your image is not used in publication.

This identification must be requested at non-paid open events / can be provided on entry at paid events.

Event Type

Arrangements in place for non-publication of images

Open Events (non-paid)

We will not be responsible for images published (identifiable bands must be requested from the organiser).

Open Events (paid)

Identifiable bands can be provided at point of entry to members of the public who do not wish their image taken.

Enclosed Events (paid)

Identifiable bands can be provided at point of entry to members of the public who do not wish their image taken.

Where identifiable bands are requested and/or provided at events, these must be visibly worn at all times.

If you feel that your data protection rights has been infringed in any way, please notify [email protected]. Please include the following information:

  • your full name, address, telephone number and email address
  • a full description of the material about which the complaint is made, including the full
  • website address where you found the material
  • the nature of your complaint
  • an assertion that your complaint is made in good faith and is accurate

On receipt of a complaint, the Council’s Information Governance Service will make an initial judgement on the validity of the complaint and:

  • acknowledge receipt of your complaint
  • temporarily remove the relevant material
  • make an assessment of the validity of the complaint

If the Council’s Information Governance Service assesses that the complaint should be investigated further, then the Service will attempt to resolve the issue swiftly and amicably and to the satisfaction of both parties, with the following possible outcomes:

  • the material is replaced unchanged
  • the material is replaced with changes
  • the material is permanently removed by the Destination South Ayrshire Events Service.

You will be contacted by email to confirm the final decision. A record will be kept of the complaint, the review and the final decision. The information you provided will only be used in connection with your enquiry.

Privacy Statement
Information on how we process your personal data can be found on our website here:

Copyright © 2025 Destination South Ayrshire. Provided by South Ayrshire Council.