Submit your event

Submit your event

Your event contact and business details
Main contact - Job Title*
Main contact email address*
Event and contact details to appear in listing
Event title*
Event date(s)*
Event time(s)*
Event location*
Event cost
Event description*
Event email contact
Event contact phone number
Book now / call to action url
Additional information - please select as appropriate
Select categories that apply
Select facilities that apply
Social Media Channels
Do we have permission to use photographs and media from your social media channels to promote your listing?
Social media permission*
Include Photo(s)
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Provide images to be displayed with your listing (Max size per file: 5MB)
Terms and Conditions
I understand Destination South Ayrshire reserves the right to make judgments in its sole discretion about whether a listing is deemed appropriate to be added to the Destination South Ayrshire website. We reserve the right to remove and or reject the listing at any time without notice. Should you require your details to be changed or removed please contact us at [email protected]
Terms Agreement*
Copyright © 2024 Destination South Ayrshire. Provided by South Ayrshire Council.