In partnership with Fresh Ayr Folk Fest and Little Acorns Adventures, join us to read some wonderful stories at Carnegie Library.
These FREE Sessions will run on both Friday 9th August and Saturday 10 August at 10.30am, 1pm, and 3.30pm, with bookings taking place directly with the Library. All sessions will last 45 minutes.
Story 1: The Sun Egg – A story for children aged 3-10 years.
A story inspired by Elsa Beskow, about our woodland animals and the magical mysteries of fairies.
Story 2: Magpie and the Birds Nests – A story for children aged 3-10 years.
A story about Master Magpie and his magnificent nest; why birds make such different kinds of nests and how we can all learn from each other.
Story 3: Hedgerow Circus – A story for children aged 3-10 years.
Inspired by Ruth Thomson, a story about the animals of the woods and their many ‘talents’; a celebration of differences and individualities.
Suitable for ages 3-10 years
Free event but booking required tel 01292 286385